
a broken heart.

Ok, this is going to sound completely messed, but unless you have a passion in something, you can't understand how I feel. You may have realized that I haven't posted many of my own images lately. Let me explain. My heart was ripped into a trillion billion pieces when I found out that my backup hard drive crashed, and a lot of my images were torn from my fingertips. I know, I know. I don't have a clue why many of these weren't backed up on additional hard drives. A lot of them were, but a lot of really great stuff was lost. I know I should have backed it up. It was on my to-do list for MONTHS. Lesson learned, people. Really really shizzy lesson learned. What I'm saying is my heart broke. Honestly. It is still broken (and will be until I hear back from the man retrieving my files). BUT there has been hope in working for Justin Hackworth.

Let me explain.

Justin is a funny guy. You want to know why he's so great? He doesn't realize how really amazing he is. I'm serious. He's been all over the states doing shoots this month, and when people say, "Oh my gosh I can't believe you're taking my pictures!" or "Oh my gosh. You answer your own phone?!" or something along the lines of "Justin is your brother? He's famous!", he can't believe it. He thinks it hysterical that people know who he is. I think everyone should know who he is. Especially in the photography world.
And here is one reason why. Check out this amazing wedding in Spring City that Justin photographed.
Simply beautiful.

I guess my point, and I think I have one, is that while my photography is on a stand still because my heart is broken, Justin's photography makes me excited about photography. It makes me want to learn more and be a better photographer. It makes me think, shame on you once for not backing up those files. AND shame on you a million times for feeling sorry for yourself and stopping your photography because you're sad. And guess what? I took my camera out of its case today to shoot for the first time in a month. (ohhh that makes me embarrassed). Its progress and I'm done being sad.


Chelsey said...

ooooh Meg that truly is a heart crusher! I can't even imagine. Our dog once ate two of my memory cards, luckily I had dumped most the pictures from them on my laptop just in time.. but my heart broke not knowing what else was on there. Get out and shoot though! You're way to talented to keep that camera in it's bag. Miss you and love you!

Melinda said...

That makes me so sad, sorry about that. We lost all our stuff about a year ago, I don't have cool stuff like you have but I was seriously devastated. I cried, Scott thought I was so silly, but it really sucks. I am glad you are loving work tho, he seems like the best boss ever.

The Tripp's said...

Meg- my heart goes out to you. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. ;) seriously tho...that's blows! If it means anything...I loveeee yoouuu!

Beth said...

That happened to me at the end of November and there was no hope getting them back. Hopefully yours will. Also I think Justin is great too and so are you.

Mikael said...

My heart is broken for you! I remember when the same thing happened to me and I lost ALL of my first borns baby pics!!! Luckily a lot of them were on my blog, but can you imagine?? It was like losing that part of my life!!!
YOu are an amazing photographer and I am so happy to hear you picked up your camera again!! Good for you! Never stop. (I am actually stopping for a while and just going to take pics FOR ME.. but I'm not a real photographer like you, I'm just a fake...).