

Last month my sister in law was nice enough to let Ryan and I stay at her family's beach house on the Oregon coast. It was the perfect getaway filled with books by the fire, baby name lists, boutique shopping, spicy mexican food (baby did NOT like), morning waffles, pub dinners, and walks under umbrellas. Just the two of us...one last fling before the baby comes. Here are a few memories from my phone. 


Melinda said...

Megan you look gorgeous! Congrats on your baby girl and good luck with everything.

taylor said...

Hi Megan! 1st, congrats on the baby girl! I don't think I have told you that yet. 2nd, I think you were considering cutting your hair short-short a while back and I don't think you should. I don't think I have ever known you with longish hair, but I LOVE your long hair in this picture, it looks so good!!! And it reminds me that I haven't seen you in a long time and I hope that changes soon! :)