
provo i was wrong about you.

Hello again from the lovely city of provo. Real fast...no I did not take the picture above. I'm getting to that. First, I have to say I had my doubts about moving here, but I can honestly tell you that Provo has brought me nothing but great things. I had been job searching for 2 weeks, carrying resumes with me wherever I went, even interviewed for a 911 emergency dispatcher job (if you ever want to hear pure terrorizing phone calls that take you straight to a shrink, they have a job opening. haha I'm sorry and excuse me but...what the hell was I thinking?) and then it happened. I had a slight inkling to drop my resume by one of the top photographers in the area, Justin Hackworth (thats who took the amazing photo above). Although, to be completely honest, I didn't think I had a chance. He called me 3 days later with a job offer. Well, after proving myself I will have the job that is. But still amazing.I can't begin to tell you how blessed we have been since moving here.

Oh, so Justin Hackworth. He's a very talented photographer. Here is some of his work from a project he did called 30 strangers. He's done it for the past 3 years (I believe these were from the first 2 years on the project) and this years exhibit will be showing at the Provo library art gallery all this month, starting September 3rd.
So make sure to check it out!!


Melinda said...

Wahoo! Congrats, working with Justin Hackworth is a much bette job-fit for you than a 911 dispatcher, haha that's so funny. But Justin is goin to love you!

BL said...

Congrats megs! You deserve nothing but great things to happen to you, so i'm super excited for ya! love you tons! good luck!

Mikael said...

that is amazing. See, I TOLD YOU you were amazing and deserve to get paid for what you love and what you are best at. What an amazing opportunity! I am so happy for you. oh, and when I saw that pic up top of the girl with the blonde hair I thought that was YOU!!!! You would make a cute platinum blond I am sure :)

Ashley Aikele said...

Yay for Justin Hackworth and Yay for you. That is so great. Provo suprised me too...there are some good gems there :) Good luck!

Chelsea said...

Congrats! Glad you are liking Utah County, we sure love it. We should get together, we are in American Fork just 20 minutes up the road :)I would love to see you. Good luck in your new job, that is super exciting!